About Hamilton resource Economics
Hamilton Resource Economics is a private consultancy firm specializing in natural resource issues. We address the challenging issues facing decision makers in a world filled with risk and uncertainty. Our intent is to help decision makers find the answers they are looking for, which often involves meeting multiple and sometimes competing objectives. We believe the quality of the decision is dependent on the quality of the alternatives and the rigor of the analysis.

We specialize in
- Project feasibility analysis
- Risk & strategic decision analysis
- Statistical and econometric analysis
- Linear and mathematical programming
- Computer-aided modelling including investment analysis
- Limiting factor analysis
- Effects analysis and life-cycle modelling.
We have experience in two broad areas
Water in California has long been a source of conflict but we believe that creative solutions exist that can both improve water supplies and strengthen the ecosystem.
- Water supply planning for public water districts and private companies.
- Resource management analyses to aid the recovery of endangered species

Scott Hamilton, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Agricultural Economics
Oregon State University, 1985
M.S., Economics
University of New England, Australia, 1983.
B.A., Agricultural Economics (Class 1 Honors)
University of New England, Australia, 1981.
Professional Experience:
Wonderful Orchards, 1991-2017.
Senior Director, Resources.
Starrate Pty. Ltd., Australia. 1987-1989.
Production Manager.
Northwest Economic Associates, 1985-86, 1989-1991.
Senior Economist.
Cawelo Water District, 1996-2017.
Kern Water Bank Authority, 1995-2017.
Founding Board Member.
Dudley Ridge Water District, 1992-2007.
Board Member
Hamilton, S. A., B. A. McCarl, and R. M. Adams. 1985. “The Effects of Aggregate Response Assumptions on Environmental Impact Analyses,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67(2), May, 1985, pp. 407-413.
Adams, R. M., S. A. Hamilton, and B. A. McCarl, The Economic Effects of Ozone on Agriculture, Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Technical Report, EPA 600/3-84-090, September, 1984.
Hamilton, S.A. 1985. “The Economic Effects of Ozone on U.S. Agriculture: A Sector Modeling Approach,” Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University.
Merz, J.E., Hamilton, S.A., Bergman, P.S. and Cavallo, B. 2011, Spatial perspective for delta smelt: a summary of contemporary survey data. California Fish and Game Journal 97(4):164-189.
Murphy .D.D. and Hamilton, S.A. 2013. Eastward Migration or Marshward Dispersal: Exercising Survey Data to Elicit an Understanding of Seasonal Movement of Delta Smelt. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 11(3) http://escholarship.org/uc/item/4jf862qz
Hamilton SA and Murphy DD (2018) Analysis of limiting factors across the life cycle of delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), Conservation Management, 62:365-382 DOI 10.1007/s00267-018-1014-9
Get in Touch
7718 Davin Park Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93308